Monday, May 17, 2010

Love In Life

If you keep your head forward you can never see what's behind you, but you may be able to hear it you never look back. If you keep your head up you can never see what's under you, and that is how we should be in life. God puts people and things across our path for different reasons; some are for a seasonal purpose , and some are for a lifetime purpose. We should never try to hold on to the seasonal things and people, because they were only here to teach us one things in life and by holding in to them we are hindering our progress and walk with the lord God..

I am learning that the same way my children disobey me and some times it results in danger is the same way that we disobey God and we end up in a world of trouble, but then we are upset with him saying he forsaked us . No he didn't forsake us we forsaked him by disobeying him and now we just have to let the situation play out. If you tell a child not to steal, but they so it anyway and get arrested you can't just go and take them out of jail there are steps you have to go through and consequences of their actions that they will have to pay for regardless of how much you love them. Well that is the same aspect with God we mess it up and it takes steps to get it back together, but there are still consequences of our actions that we have to pay for.

Men are not our Gods Ladies and that is our main problem here in life now, but they are suppose to be our Lords, God had Sarah to call her Husband Lord and reverence him as such we are suppose to take control of our side of the bargain and it isn't just sitting on our behinds. We are suppose to love our husbands regardless of his faults and anything that we are not pleased with we are suppose to take it to God and keep our mouths shut. But we don't so that I know I never have, but that doesn't make it right. We women have been brought up wrong we were taught to be independent and not to depend on anyone but ourselves, and then you have some of your church people who believe you should be alone , or get divorced on the first site of trouble and that my dear's or not of God at all. God said the only reason for divorce is hardness of heart, that is also why God said specifically not to be unequally yolked because if two are walking in one accord with God as the center, we would be having to run away from abusive men, fight and curse out cheating men. God gives you signs and if you choose to over look those signs just to worship a man (meaning anytime you put a man before, God takes that as that man is your God so be careful with that) well once you marry him that is now your warfare , you should be standing and praying for him and yourself but when the unbeliever leaves don't take him back keep your head up and keep pushing trust me it will hurt like hell, but over time you will heal just keep close to Jesus, and daily bible reading..

Okay this was my thoughts today Hope you enjoy them..... GOD BLESS


  1. Yes we women got a lot to's the mouth for me...If I can Pray for me girl. Your message is truth we can use and should heed! Thanks sista...I really enjoyed the word!
